Walk & Train

Walk & Train

Does your dog forget that you exist as soon as you walk out of the door? Are they desperate to jump on every person they see, or maybe they bark and lunge at other dogs? Are you finding it difficult to work on this behaviour due to work or other commitments?

Dogs become what they rehearse, so the longer they practise undesirable behaviours, the harder these will be to change in the long run. It’s also understandable that these behaviours can feel overwhelming, and can be hard to work on when life is busy!

I can help! Our walk-and-train service is designed to give owners a head start: I take your dog out to work on what they find challenging, and you reap the benefits.

In order to keep the quality of this service high, I only take on a small number of walk-and-trains each month. If you would like to know more, make sure you book a free consultation call.

Find Out What It’s Like To Work With DogNerd

What You Get:

1. Initial Consultation

Discuss your dog’s behavior and challenges, identify goals, and develop a tailored training plan to address your specific needs.

2. Tailored Walks

Personalised training walks focusing on your dog’s needs, with video notes for review and simple homework exercises to reinforce progress.

3. WhatsApp Support

Direct access to your trainer via WhatsApp for guidance, advice, and support between sessions to ensure consistent progress and address any concerns.

4. A Handover

Review progress, address remaining challenges, and ensure you understand and can apply the training techniques on your own.

Book A Free Consultation Call

Unsure on where to start? I don’t blame you, finding the right dog trainer can be a challenge in itself. Book a FREE 30 minute consultation call to find out more about how I work and how I can help you with your dog!


Given the dedication required to provide each dog and their owner with the personalised attention and training they need, I am only able to work with a limited number of clients at any given time. I sincerely believe in offering my services only when I am confident in my ability to deliver the outcomes you’re seeking for your dog.

Tips & Tricks blog

Tips & Tricks is dedicated to providing exclusive advice and information about dogs and training.

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