Managing Triggers with Sensitive Dogs

by 15 Oct, 2024

As dog trainers, we often emphasise the importance of proactive strategies when it comes to managing our dogs’ reactions to environmental stimuli. If you have a sensitive dog that is prone to overreact to certain environmental stimuli, you know that walks can lead to stressful situations for both you and your dog – especially if we consider urban environments, or situations in which avoiding triggers is difficult. Let’s explore how identifying and managing triggering situations can transform your walks from anxiety-filled to enjoyable.

Understanding Triggers

Sensitive dogs often overreact to certain stimuli, whether it’s people, other dogs, vehicles, or even tight spaces. By proactively recognising your dog’s triggers, you can prepare for and manage potential situations before they escalate.

A Real-World Example

In a recent outing with my own sensitive dog, Budweis, we encountered a narrow walkway with a blind corner at the top. This path often surprises us with unexpected encounters, especially as it is near a bustling shop. Budweis feels confined in tight spaces, and the combination of the narrow walkway and oncoming people can make him feel trapped.

To alleviate this pressure, I opted to use the grass verge beside the walkway: by creating more space between Budweis and potential triggers, I was able to increase his perceived safety. This simple shift in our approach made a significant difference in our experience.

The Importance of Environment

Utilising your environment to your advantage is crucial, especially in urban settings where getting distance from triggers can be challenging. Small adjustments—like choosing quieter routes or using things in the environment as barriers or visual blocks—can lead to a more relaxed outing for both you and your dog.

Support for You and Your Sensitive Dog

Are you looking for tailored strategies to support your sensitive dog? Whether you’re navigating everyday challenges or preparing for specific situations, I’m here to help.

Feel free to drop me a message or book a free call to discuss your dog’s individual needs. Together, we can develop a plan that enhances your walks and strengthens your bond with your furry friend.


Proactive management of triggers can transform your experiences with your sensitive dog. By using the environment wisely and anticipating challenges, you can create a more enjoyable outing for both of you. Remember, it’s all about setting your dog up for success!

See how we can help

Behaviour rehabilitation

Many behaviour problems are linked to how your dog is feeling. Fear, anxiety and pain all influence how well your dog is able to cope with his environment and routines.

Dog training

Dog training is offered for all dogs: puppies, adolescents, seniors and newly adopted rescue dogs.

Book A Free Consultation Call

Unsure on where to start? I don't blame you, finding the right dog trainer can be a challenge in itself. Book a FREE 30 minute consultation call to find out more about how I work and how I can help you with your dog!


Given the dedication required to provide each dog and their owner with the personalised attention and training they need, I am only able to work with a limited number of clients at any given time. I sincerely believe in offering my services only when I am confident in my ability to deliver the outcomes you're seeking for your dog.

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Tips & Tricks is dedicated to providing every mama and papa with exclusive advice and information on how to take care and deal with their furry friends.

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