Debunking the “Treats = Good” Myth in Dog Training

by 5 Aug, 2024

One of the most common misconceptions in dog training is that using food automatically creates positive associations for your dog. So, if your dog is scared of the vet, all you have to do is feed him lots of treats when he’s there, and he’ll make positive associations with the place, right? Well, in reality, it’s not always that simple! Let’s delve into why:

The Snake Trail Analogy

To better understand this concept, let’s consider a couple of analogies involving a fear-inducing situation: imagine you have a snake phobia, and you have to walk down a hiking trail riddled with snakes.

Scenario 1: Snacks on a Snake Trail

So, you’re walking down the trail and you have a big fear response each time you see a snake. A friend tries to reassure you by saying, “It’s okay, I brought snacks!” Would this make you feel better about navigating the trail? Probably not. You’d might start to think your friend is a little crazy! And the next time you see them packing snacks for a hike, you might even start to feel apprehensive about what’s to come.

Scenario 2: Monetary Incentive on a Snake Trail

Now, imagine you face the same snake-filled trail, but this time your friend offers you £1000 to walk it. Depending on your financial situation, you might agree to do it. However, would this change your feelings about snakes? Unlikely. The sight of the snakes would still cause you distress, and now you might also harbour mixed feelings about your friend for putting you in such a stressful situation, regardless of the monetary incentive.

The Takeaway for Dog Training

These scenarios illustrate a crucial point: going through a negative experience whilst receiving a reward is often still a negative experience. If we attempt to change a dog’s feelings solely by offering treats during stressful situations, we might not achieve the desired outcome. In fact, the dog could start associating the treats with the negative experience, much like you might associate snacks with the snake trail.

Mindful Use of Treats in Training

Don’t misunderstand me: I do use food for training! But when working with dogs, especially those highly motivated by treats, it’s essential to be mindful of the context and the dog’s emotional state, and we can’t simply assume that food makes an experience “good”. Treats can be a powerful tool, but they must be used strategically. Here are a couple of tips to ensure treats contribute positively to your training sessions:

  1. Gradual Exposure: If your dog is afraid of something, like a loud noise or a specific object, gradually expose them to the stimulus while maintaining a distance where they still feel safe. Slowly decrease the distance over time.
  2. Read Your Dog’s Signals: Pay close attention to your dog’s body language. If they show signs of stress or discomfort, take a step back and reassess your approach.

In conclusion, while treats are a valuable tool in dog training, they are not a magic solution. Building positive associations and changing a dog’s feelings about a situation requires careful planning and a deep understanding of canine behaviour. By being mindful and strategic, you can use treats to enhance your training sessions and foster a positive, trusting relationship with your dog.


See how we can help

Behaviour rehabilitation

Many behaviour problems are linked to how your dog is feeling. Fear, anxiety and pain all influence how well your dog is able to cope with his environment and routines.

Dog training

Dog training is offered for all dogs: puppies, adolescents, seniors and newly adopted rescue dogs.

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Unsure on where to start? I don't blame you, finding the right dog trainer can be a challenge in itself. Book a FREE 30 minute consultation call to find out more about how I work and how I can help you with your dog!


Given the dedication required to provide each dog and their owner with the personalised attention and training they need, I am only able to work with a limited number of clients at any given time. I sincerely believe in offering my services only when I am confident in my ability to deliver the outcomes you're seeking for your dog.

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