Be the Advocate Your Dog Needs: Understanding and Speaking Up for Their Needs

by 24 Jul, 2024

Our dogs rely on us to speak up for them, especially when their body language might go unnoticed or be misunderstood. By paying close attention to our dogs’ subtle signals, we can prevent them from escalating their behaviour into actions that we, as humans, find undesirable (like barking, lunging, or snapping). So, how can we become better advocates for our dogs?


The first step in advocating for your dog is to become an expert observer. What situations does your dog enjoy? What situations do they find challenging? By familiarising ourselves with basic dog body language and observing our dogs in various contexts, we can gather invaluable information. This insight allows us to intervene and support them when needed. Look for signs such as:

  • Relaxed body posture: A loose body, a loose wagging tail, a soft face and neutral ear carriage – these are typically signs your dog is happy and comfortable.
  • Tense body, pinned-back ears, or a tucked tail: these can indicate discomfort or anxiety.

Be Proactive

Once we recognise what our dogs struggle with, it’s essential to take proactive steps to address these challenges. For instance, if your dog doesn’t enjoy being crowded by strangers, limit their exposure to these situations while you teach them skills to cope (and remember, you can’t turn an introvert into an extrovert by taking them to parties!). Consider where you take them for walks, avoiding overly crowded areas if necessary. When visiting places where physical interaction is required, such as the vet or a physiotherapist, communicate your dog’s needs clearly. Don’t just wing it—have a plan in place.

For example, both of my dogs dislike being handled by unfamiliar people. To help them, I’ve taught them specific coping skills for when we’re out and about (e.g., stand on a thing to let people pass, and nobody will approach you), and I carefully choose our walking routes to avoid overly crowded places. At the vet’s office, I always make sure to inform the staff about their discomfort to make sure we’re all on the same page.

Rehearse Management for Your Dog and Yourself

Managing your dog’s interactions with others often requires managing your own responses as well. My dogs are quite interesting-looking, which often attracts people who want to say hi. My dogs don’t particularly enjoy this, but the idea of offending a stranger mortifies me! So, I’ve come up with polite phrases to let people know my dogs aren’t up for interaction today. Practicing these responses can make you more confident and consistent in protecting your dog’s space and comfort.

Creating a Safe Space

Ultimately, our goal is to be seen by our dogs as their “safe person” – someone who won’t put them into uncomfortable situations. When they trust us to respect their boundaries and advocate for their needs, it strengthens our bond and promotes a happier, healthier relationship.

If you’d like to dive deeper into this topic or need advice tailored to your dog’s specific needs, make sure you book a free call! Let’s chat about how you can be the best advocate for your dog!


Phone: 07555 514 596
Empowering Owners, Transforming Dogs – DogNerd.

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